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Sunday, December 30, 2007


Wow... that game was unbelievable.

Even though the Giants were on their game, I knew in my heart of hearts that the Pats were going to come back. I did have my moments of doubt though and I still feel drained this morning.

The best part of the win for me was the fact that I got to watch it with my Dad. Even though the location left something to be desired, the fact that I got to see the greatest moment (to date) in Pats history with him was priceless. My Dad had season tickets from day one through the mid 80's and we have a lot of great memories of seasons long gone by, so it was only proper that I shared this moment with him. I know he needed a boost.

Anyways, I've got to run, but one last thing before I go. Christmas decorations do not look right on palm trees. That is all.


Anonymous said...

You're the Best!

Anonymous said...

Go Pats!

Go Celtics!

Sox Rock!

Bruins "Thanks for keeping us Humble"

Happy New Year

berryjooks said...

Well said.

Happy New Year!