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Sunday, November 2, 2008

Great Minds Think Alike!

Check out the video below of a recent John Cleese interview on MSNBC. He, amongst other things, discusses why you shouldn’t pick your candidates based on your desire to have a beer with them or not. His comments echo an earlier post of mine, Help Me Out Here, People…, and it’s a nice feeling to know that I’m not alone in my thoughts.

Anyways, my political leanings aside, I want you all to bear two things in mind this coming week.

Number One:

Be sure to get out and vote. Don’t let yourself get “too busy”, and don’t assume the election is all but over except for the crying and your vote won’t matter. It ain’t over til it’s over, and there’s some important local issues on the ballot this year.

The polls are liable to be crowded, so plan accordingly. We plan on combining voting with a walk, win, win!

Number Two:

Regardless of who wins and who loses, we all have to start working together to get things back on track. No more red state vs. blue state, no more nasty foolishness. We’re all good Americans, and we need to put the divisiveness aside and get down to business.

That is all.

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