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Monday, January 19, 2009

Lost is back!

Sit down in your favorite chair and strap yourself in, because this Wednesday night (01/21) ABC kicks off season 5 of Lost with not 1, not 2, but 3 new episodes of our favorite show. Here’s the lineup:

8pm EST - “Lost: Destiny Calls” (An all new recap episode)

9pm EST - “Because You Left” (Season 5/Episode 1)

10pm EST - “The Lie” (Season 5/Episode 2)

Just to whet your appetite, check out the latest Doc Jensen column. Doc’s already seen both episode 1 and 2, and although he doesn’t give too much away, he does confirm my suspicion that season 5 will focus on time travel. He also recommends some previous episodes for rewatching, as they just might help you fit some pieces together in the coming months.

If you don’t have time to rewatch them all, you can check out the Lost section of our website, for reviews of past season’s episodes and screen caps. And as always, we’ll be posting new reviews and screen caps following each new episode.

So, we’ll reconvene after the premier, and as our friend Dr. Candle/Wickmund/Holliwax/Chang (Phew, this guy’s got some serious identity issues!) likes to say:

“Thank you, namasté, and good luck.”

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