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Sunday, December 25, 2011

A Wonderful Christmas

Looking back over the last 24 hours, all I can say is; Wow.

So many wonderful memories; quality time spent with loved ones, an abundance of excitement, smiles, handshakes, hugs, and kisses, both gotten and given, as we whisked our way through multiple households, landing back in our own late on Christmas day to talk and nap, then talk some more, mainly about how much we love our large extended family, and each other.

The frosting on the cake, though, was something that happened this morning. My wife and I had opened a couple of gifts while we had our coffee, barely scratched the surface actually, then had to pack up and head out. Our material pleasures could wait, there can be no delay when you’re driving Santa’s sleigh. As we headed out, we realized that it was snowing very lightly. The neighborhood was still and silent, and there was a surreal quality to the moment as we stood there and drank it in.

We had just received the ultimate Christmas gift, one regaled in song and story; a white Christmas, and the best kind, no less; a transitory one that didn’t involve shovels or scrapers. Nice.

The beauty of that moment can not be retold, but if you click on the video below, close your eyes, and think back on the faces and places of the day, you can have a beautiful moment of your own.

I hope you enjoy our little Christmas gift to you, and may all your Christmases be white.

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